Become an Expert with These Medical Training Courses
We live in a highly competitive world, and it’s important to hone our existing skill sets to stand out in such a huge crowd. In fact, it’s increasingly essential for medical professionals, as the field has been undergoing major advancements. The best medical professionals read the latest research, stay up on technological advancements and continuously take medical courses to not only refresh or develop their skills but also provide the highest level of patient care.
Another benefit of staying educated in your specialty area is that it makes you a more attractive job candidate. The medical field is competitive—full of highly educated, competent, driven people. While we know the primary reason you want to further your medical education is to become better at what you do, having a few additional certifications will help you stand out in the eyes of future employers. There’s no shame in wanting to land the best role possible.
Now that you know the significance of adding feathers to your hat in the form of education courses, let’s explore some of the most important certifications in the healthcare field to build a stellar resume and keep up with the rapid pace of developments.
What certifications could I get in healthcare?
Everyone’s resume is bound to look a bit different. If you’re a doctor specializing in a particular area of medicine, you’ll pursue certifications that a medical compliance professional wouldn’t and vice versa. This means that choosing the right certification for you requires a bit of research. Although specialized fields need specialized courses, there are many generalized offline and online courses for healthcare professionals that you can pursue to give your resume a boost.
Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC)
If you work hard to uphold policies and administrative procedures in a healthcare environment, you ensure patients’ rights and personal information are protected. This is a noble cause. The CHC certification is offered by the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) and is available for professionals working in this area of healthcare administration. The course features an exam covering topics like employee evaluation, vendor policy and compliance training.
Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management (CPHRM)
Anyone with a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of five years of experience in the healthcare field and 3,000 hours of risk management experience is eligible for this certification course. This is offered by the American Hospital Association (AHA). The certifying exam covers areas like patient safety, legal concerns and risk.
Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems (CPHIMS)
In the age of technology, informatics are an essential piece in the puzzle of providing excellent patient care. Healthcare professionals who focus on informatics should consider pursuing this certificate program from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) after completing five years of hands-on experience in a medical setting.
Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA)
This is another certification for healthcare professionals with a bachelor’s degree who aim to develop their knowledge about informatics. The program is offered by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). The course exam covers topics such as data structure, information protection and revenue management.
Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ)
While medical professionals aim to provide the best care possible out of a desire to fulfill their role well and make a difference in their patients’ lives, healthcare environments must still have checks and balances in place. This certification, offered by the National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ), focuses on quality assurance and is available to healthcare professionals with at least two years of experience in this specific area.
Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP)
If you’re a healthcare professional who has a knack for finances and economics, this certification course is for you. Offered by the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), this course is for clinical leaders or professionals who work in finance and economics. The exam covers topics like financial strategy, business and healthcare finance.
Specialty-specific certifications for healthcare providers
If your focus is on providing patient care (as opposed to doing administrative work), research whether or not your field has a certification you can earn. Some specialized nursing roles, for example, do not require certification, but getting one can make you a much stronger and better-prepared candidate. Here are a few examples of the types of certifications healthcare providers can earn or training courses they can take. Remember that the complete offering is far more varied than this list.
- Certified Respiratory Therapist
- Certified Practical Nurse
- Certificate in Emergency Medical Technology
- Oncology Certified Nurse
- Certified Nephrology Nurse
- Red Cross Training (for certain nurses)
- Tactical Medical Training (for first responders)
- Emergency Medical Training (for EMTs)
- Basic Life Support (BLS) Training
What are the benefits of medical training programs?
When you earn a certification in your field—whether you work in administration or direct patient care—you prove your experience and knowledge. Most certifications require you to gain hands-on experience before sitting for an exam or attending a course, so these credentials not only tell the world that you’re ready to perform your work well but also that you’ve been performing your work well. Certifications are:
- A gold standard of professionalism in the eyes of employers
- A way of boosting or bolstering a medical professional’s knowledge
- A way that healthcare professionals can increase their earning potential
If you’re seeing the benefits of taking a course or earning a certification but are concerned about returning to school, fear not. You can opt for certain healthcare training online.
Healthcare jobs are in high demand
Human beings will always need personalized care. This means the outlook for medical roles—from nurses to surgeons—is generally favorable. There are a wealth of open positions in most medical specialties, and jobs continue to be on the rise. But, the competition is also fierce. Highlight your skills and certifications on your resume, and show employers what makes you the best person for the job.
If you’re not yet sure how to specialize yet, here are some roles that have a particularly great job outlook:
- Nurse practitioners
- Emergency medical technician
- Health information technician
- Dietitian
- Medical and health services manager
- Nursing assistant
- Physical therapists and their assistants
- Occupational therapists and their assistants
- Midwife
- Physician assistant
- Certified registered nurse anesthetist
- Dentists and dental hygienists
The more unique your resume, the better your chances of finding your dream role. And, as crafters of high-quality scrubs, we’re all about the “perfect fit!”