To celebrate ER Nurses Day, we spoke with one of our Brand Ambassadors Lauren, who has worked in the emergency room for ten years. She told us what she loves most about her job and the pride she feels for her department.
Name: Lauren M.
Profession: I’m an Emergency Room, Registered Nurse in San Juan Capistrano.
Why did you become an ER Nurse?
I became an ER nurse for a few reasons. I LOVE the variety of patients that I get to take care of! I take care of babies, all the way to geriatric patients. I love the pace and the challenge of the ER, no patient is quite the same, and I still learn new things, even after almost 10 years. I also LOVE the schedule and flexibility. It has been a great career for helping to sustain my family, and raise my children.
What advice would you give to a new nurse thinking about working in the ER?
First, congrats on not having to write care plans again! Woohoo! If you are thinking about working in the ER, go for it! Work hard. Be humble. Care for your patients, empathize with them. Take constructive criticism. Ask questions. Admit to Mistakes, learn from mistakes, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t let anyone or anything take away your joy. If you can do these things, you will be a great nurse.

What is your favorite aspect of your job?
My favorite aspect of my job is seeing miracles happen! Whether it’s taking away someone’s pain, saving someone’s life, or providing emotional support. As an ER nurse you are able to provide interventions, and can usually see quick outcomes. Sometimes patients may just need someone to truly listen to them, and make them feel like someone else understands. As Maya Angelou said “they may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” I have been the last person that some patients have had conversations with; my hope is that I made them feel listened to, and cared for. I also love the camaraderie that there is amongst my coworkers. I am proud and honored to work with such a great team.
What inspires you at work?
What inspires me at work is mainly my coworkers. The level of teamwork, expertise, and compassion that I see from my coworkers inspires me to be a better nurse.

Your sister is an ER Nurse as well. What influence have you had on each other?
My little sister has been an ER nurse for a little over a year. When you become an ER nurse, you become a part of a special culture, that only other ER nurses understand. We are even more bonded now that we share the same profession. She has seen what a great occupation it has been for me for the past 10 years. Seeing her work hard to achieve her RN license, work full-time, and now go back to school full-time; I feel encouraged and inspired by her as well! I also feel really safe when she is watching my kids for me, because she obviously knows what to do in case of an emergency! Ha!
To celebrate ER Nurses Day, is there a message you would like to say to all of your fellow ER Nurses?
I would love to say thank you to all of the ER nurses out there for what you do! You are smart, hard-working, courageous, brave, inspiring, and caring. You comfort and care for people in their most vulnerable, raw moments. You don’t let your feathers get ruffled. You are amazing! You can start an IV like nobody’s business. I am proud to be one of you!
Hear more from our incredible Brand Ambassadors here and here.